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Arizona - Where I Wanna Be
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Arizona - Where I Wanna Be -

"A R I Z O N A" is a band started by three New Jersey natives. They spend most of their time either on the road creating in a mobile recording studio they built in an old Toyota, or between LA, NJ, and the UK. They're currently working on continuous releases throughout 2015.


1. I Was Wrong

2. Let Me Touch Your Fire

3. People Crying Every Night (單曲循環~)

I build my love like a castle in the sand
And when it comes down
It comes tumbling to the ground
And when she speaks
It's a dangerous fantasy
That sets me free to where I wanna be
She sets me free to where I wanna be
Wanna be
She sets me free to where I wanna be
And her hair blows like a lighter in the wind
And I lose my senses baby
It gets under my skin
And when she speaks she's all I'll ever need
She sets me free
To where I wanna be I wanna be
She sets me free to where I wanna be
I wanna be
She sets me free
To where I wanna be I wanna be
She sets me free to where I wanna be
I wanna be
She sets me free
To where I wanna be
I build my love like a castle in the sand
And when it comes down
It comes tumbling to the ground
And when she speaks
It's a dangerous fantasy
Sets me free to where I wanna be
She sets me free to where I wanna be
I wanna be
She sets me free
To where I wanna be
She sets me free to where I wanna be
I wanna be
She sets me free
To where I wanna be I wanna be
