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Dotter – Dive
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Dive - Dotter


Dotter is a Swedish singer, her real name is Johanna Maria Jansson.

Absent days accelerating

Inside hot stays graze

Whatever thought

I'm spoken would remain

No Space or time could ever

Wipe it off

Forgotton and for long

I've passed about the past

Hayayayaya hayahaa

Was all I ever had

A house for love regrets

Hayayayaya hayahaa

I won't dive in an ocean of a lifetime

Ocean of a lifetime over us

I want life and

I'm floating on a timeline


Consquense staring at the side

Of royce of waves

Whichever preach's

Spoken would remain

No place or time would

Ever be the same

Forgotton and for long

I've passed about the past

Hayayayaya hayahaa

Was all I ever said

A lie that didn't last

Hayayayaya hayahaa

I won't dive in an ocean of a lifetime

Ocean of a lifetime over us

I want life and

I'm floating on a timeline


I won't dive in an ocean of a lifetime

Ocean of a lifetime over us

I want life and

I'm floating on a timeline


But you're a perfect construction

Of our complicated minds

The straw I for perfection

Force you to cross every line

To cross every line

To cross every line

To cross every line

I cross every line

I won't dive in an ocean of a lifetime

Ocean of a lifetime over us

I want life and

I'm floating on a timeline


I won't dive in an ocean of a lifetime

Ocean of a lifetime over us

I want life and

I'm floating on a timeline


Hayayayaya hayahaa

Hayayayaya hayahaa
