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Icona Pop - Brightside
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Icona Pop - Brightside -

Icona Pop is a Swedish electro pop duo that formed in 2009, with electro house, punk and indie pop music influences. The two members Caroline Hjelt and Aino Jawo, who grew up in Stockholm, create music "you can both laugh and cry to at the same time". They signed to TEN Music Group in 2009. Their biggest hit to date has been "I Love It".

The duo received international attention following their debut single "Manners", released by Neon Gold on French label Kitsune and the extended play album Nights Like This on English Mercury Records. Since September 2012, the duo have been based in the United States, in Los Angeles and New York City. 

Icona Pop是一個來自瑞典斯德哥爾摩的流行樂二人組合,她們在電子室內音樂、朋克和獨立流行具有一定的影響力。Icona Pop組合成立於2009年,由Aino Jawo和 Caroline Hjelt組成。Aino Jawo出生於1986年7月7日,Caroline Elizabeth Hjelt則出生於1987年11月8日。有一段時間,她們主要在倫敦演唱,在那裡她們吸引了國際各界的關注,這包括首張單曲“Manners”在法國Kitsune音樂和“Nights Like This“在英國Mercury創下了個人記錄。其他歌曲包括“Lovers to Friends”、“Sun Goes”、“We Got The World”和“I Love It”等等。

