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Tinashe - Flame
Album Art
Tinashe - Flame -

      Cold in the night when I hold you close
  Searching your eyes but you're gone like a ghost

      And I say baby you can put it on me
  'Cause I know I don't make it easy
  My body hurts with every heart beat
  Just say I'm not the only one
  C'mon tell me that you've still got the flame for me
  And tell me that you still want to stay don't leave
  Even though I've never given up in my heart
  Even though a part a part of me don't work
  Baby tell me that you've still got the flame for me
  And we can let it burn
  Ooh ooh ooh ooh
  I payed the price for the wrongs I've done
  It's all you can do when you love someone
  And I say baby you can put it on me
  'Cause I know I don't make it easy
  My body hurts with every heart beat
  Just say I'm not the only one
  C'mon tell me that you've still got the flame for me
  And tell me that you still want to stay don't leave
  Even though I've never given up in my heart
  Even though a part a part of me don't work
  Baby tell me that you've still got the flame for me
  And we can let it burn
  Ooh ooh ooh ooh
  And I know and I know I can't make you
  I can't make you let go don't let go
  And I don't and I don't and I don't blame you
  'Cause I hurt you before
  Tell me
  C'mon tell me that you've still got the flame for me
  And tell me that you still want to stay don't leave
  Even though I've never given up in my heart
  Even though a part a part of me don't work
      Baby tell me that you've still got the flame for me
      And we can let it burn
      Ooh ooh
